Smart game developers rely on In-app purchases, not ad revenue! Generating ad-revenue is extremely difficult these days and IAPs are simply more reliable. In order to make people buy your digital products that are in your game, you must make them feel that they actually need them. In this game design study, we take a look at Episodes and why I nearly spent $30 on its IAPs. We will talk about the Episode The Kiss List.
1. Episodes Retains You
The game is all about playing as a wealthy and attractive young girl. She is extremely wealthy and already has resources. You get to live her life!
She is very confident and the dialogues are very well written. You feel like you are in control of a hero already. That is the good part. It retains you because the developer make you feel good for living her life. In fact, you will feel good! The way she talks, walks and interacts with people around her are all extremely well done.
2. Customization options
At the start, you can select the look of your character. It basically becomes your character. You feel a special connection with her.
3. Goal to Become Number 1
Immediately, you are given the goal and the resources required to become number 1 at the high school that your character is in. Moreover, you can't really lose for the 1st 10 minutes of the game. You will win, doesn't matter what choice you make.
Playing the game feels rewarding as people start liking your character. You feel like they start liking you. You feel like you are the one getting their admiration.
4. Realistic problems and good solutions
The IAPs are presented in the form of gems. Gems are bought using real money. This game gets IAPs right!
You see, you need to spend gems in order to purchase outfits, tickets, items and solutions. You feel like you need to buy gems because the premium items are very well presented. All the good outfits that will help you gain admiration are locked behind a pay wall. You want to buy them as you feel they are required to impress the NPCs.
90% of indie games fail. Let's make sure yours isn't one of them. Get in touch with me at and get compelling game designs documents for as low as $100.