Instead of searching for a good game design document template on the internet, you should start searching for a template of a game that worked and break it down. You see, I have spent years perfecting and updating various games. I have taken a look at 100s of game design templates, but the best GDDs that I have made in my life were the ones that I made by breaking down already successful games to see what they did.
Your job is not to make a kickass game design document. Your job is to make anything, even if it is one page long and a bunch of bullet points, that will work well for the people that you work for. If you work for yourself, you must make something that will be successful. That is the most important thing for you or for anyone that wants to make a commercially successful game.
No GDD template in the world will do that for you or even give you an idea of what a successful game needs. The ingredients that make a game successful are present in the ones that are already out there. So instead of wasting time trying to perfect a game design, make a list of things that need to be added to make it commercially successful. Make it addictive, and fun to play so it gets good reviews.
Can a game design document template help you achieve that. Of course it can, but it will not tell you what made a particular game successful. A perfect game design template will include a list of things that should be in your game. Since there isn't one on the internet right now, learn the basic concept of how to generate cash through selling video games. You will then automatically know what you need to add, instead of relying on a game design.
That being said, you will find complete GDDs on this site that also include all the features that made the games made using them successful.